Our Regional Partnership with Cat Tales Zoological Park
Cat Tales Zoological Park is dedicated to promoting the preservation of endangered species in general, with a specific focus on endangered exotic and wild cats. Cat Tales is also home to the Zoological Training Center, which is the only school of its kind in North America, and provides additional education opportunities that teach students every aspect of zoo operations and professional animal care.
In 1999, we commemorated our signature Tiger Spice Chai® by adopting and supporting through annual donations a rescued Bengal Tiger named Thor for over 15 years. In June of 2014, our 600 pound tiger passed away due to heart failure, and David Rio decided to adopt Thor's older sibling, Atlas, who also lives at Cat Tales Zoological Park, the birthplace of Thor and their sister, Xena. David Rio maintains close contact with Cat Tales Zoological Park on Atlas' life and progress and will share images and stories as we receive them.

David Rio pays tribute to our adopted Bengal tiger, Thor
David Rio adopted Thor in 1999 when he was only five months old, and over the course of 15 years, we fell in love with this well-rounded, fierce tiger who was full of personality and charm. We supported his growth and enjoyed sharing his mighty photos and stories.
In June 2014, Thor's caretaker, Margaret, at the Cat Tales Zoological Park in Mead, WA, informed us that Thor had sudden heart failure and passed away.
The David Rio team is deeply saddened by his passing and will continue to support tigers and animal welfare initiatives locally and globally. In commemoration of our favorite tiger, Thor, David Rio will be offering a refillable Tiger Spice Chai tin.